Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Big News

This morning, I've made it public internet knowledge that my husband, the professor, has accepted a tenure track job at NSUOK. What's the big deal? I had no clue. When I was a student, I didn't pay much attention to the professors and their career tracks. Here's the breakdown, as I understand it from Bryan.

GRAD STUDENT: teaches a section or two; no real respect in the research world
ADJUNCT PROFESSOR: teaches just a few sections, usually by choice
VISITING PROFESSOR: one to two year contracts, focus on teaching, most PhDs start here anywhere from 1-15 years
TENURE TRACK PROFESSOR: THE job, after 5-6 years teaching and researching, you are eligible for tenure, stability and prestige
TENURED PROFESSOR: after being a great teacher and generous with research, you've "hit it big" aka you can teach whatever you want and can't get fired
CHAIR OF DEPT: you can decide who stays and who leaves, runs department

Now you know.

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