Saturday, April 16, 2011


Bryan and I believe similar, if not the same, things when it comes to lifestyle, politics, family, leisure, education, religion and health.

Our dinner conversations go mostly like this:
"Look at this thing that the world is doing wrong."
"I know! If the government wasn't working itself into EVERYthing, it would be okay."
"Hot people!"
"Let's get another PBR."

We don't fight very often in our house. Even the little stuff gets handled in a similarly silly way.
"Hey, the house is a mess."
"It's your stuff."
"Yeah, but you loved me and my mess when we were dating."
"We're married."
"Let's split it up, but you owe me."

If it doesn't go like that, it will be a secret internal battle that we each fight. Like, if I notice something is messy, I'll clean it and parade in front of the perfectly clean living room when Bryan gets home. He'll be like, "Woa, looks great babe!" and then he'll take me to dinner, my choice. Or if I'm at the gym, I'll come home and Bryan will have done all the dishes, washed the counters and started dinner. I'll be impressed, kiss on him while the chicken cooks, and he'll get to force me to play Arkham Horror with him. (like last night)

Sometimes....we do fight. Like last Saturday. It was in the car. Even with our GPS and my iPhone, we still could not find the game store we were looking for in a suburb of Tulsa. We drove up and down the same road three times, tried neighboring roads, nothing. We could not find our way to the stupid game store. I was getting angry, Bryan was calm and trying to use my iPhone's Google Maps app. His calm demeanor made me angrier. How could he be so calm in this moment of true frustration?!

My frustration made him angrier, too, but he was keeping it all in. Turns out, we deal with frustrating situations like being lost in completely opposite ways. I would say our biggest arguments have been about which way to go, like that time in New York City about two years ago when we were trying to make it to Becky's place and we ended up in Coney Island at midnight (creepy). Even with all the technology and a smaller city, we still couldn't find the place. And my frustration wasn't helping Bryan keep his cool, and Bryan's cool wasn't making me feel any better.

So we had it out in my little Elantra:
"I want you to be angry!"
"You're angry enough for both of us."
"Do you LIKE being lost!?"
"I'm trying to keep my cool, so we can eventually find this place."
"Arghhhh! We're LOST!!!"

Okay, so typing it out, I was definitely overreacting. When we cooled down and talked about how we need to handle these situations (I'll be cooler, Bryan will be more outright about his frustration), we eventually found the place. Which was good because who wants to hit a game store with sourpusses.

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